city of love
Lispy love for six wonderful days. Yes, I forsookd my adopted nation for the sake of a wee week with Sophie in Madrid, which as it turns out is not nearly as drab or dreadful as the name would have you think. The buildings are bright, the weather is fine, and anywhere you go you can order a melted chocolate bar in a cup to drink! The city plan looks totally organic, but the individual mullets are so greased as to look synthetic. Speaking of mullets, I stayed with Sophie in her new home, which is also home to Jose, a flamenco guitar instructor/professional adorable skeezball and his giant puppydog, Timaron. Sophie and I did many things but not nearly enough to sate Sophie's spirit of hospitality. I, however, was well-sated, sedated, so happy to be with a dear friend and out of Paris for a bit. The Spanish smile, how about that? Anyway, the amazing thing about this post is that it will not feature even one picture of me eating.
It will, however, feature this Spanish man exercising his freedom of speech while biting his tongue.

And here is a "House Occupied by Women"...also loud, but pretty awesome.

Saturday night Sophie and I wanted to paint the town red, buuuut they only had blue paint so here you go. Anyway isn't this a wickedcool building?

Then I got hit by a car. Also this was in a Mexican bar that was terribly overpriced but just so cute that it lured us in twice (there were swings for bar stools!) Here I've just had my first ever mojito...finally I'm an American teenager.

This other day was super warm and wonderful, much like Sophie.

Here she transfigures her hands into a bird quite accidentally.

This picture did not capture the scene. Yet I post it anyway...


Here I will take a curtsy and leave you be.

Lispy love for six wonderful days. Yes, I forsookd my adopted nation for the sake of a wee week with Sophie in Madrid, which as it turns out is not nearly as drab or dreadful as the name would have you think. The buildings are bright, the weather is fine, and anywhere you go you can order a melted chocolate bar in a cup to drink! The city plan looks totally organic, but the individual mullets are so greased as to look synthetic. Speaking of mullets, I stayed with Sophie in her new home, which is also home to Jose, a flamenco guitar instructor/professional adorable skeezball and his giant puppydog, Timaron. Sophie and I did many things but not nearly enough to sate Sophie's spirit of hospitality. I, however, was well-sated, sedated, so happy to be with a dear friend and out of Paris for a bit. The Spanish smile, how about that? Anyway, the amazing thing about this post is that it will not feature even one picture of me eating.
It will, however, feature this Spanish man exercising his freedom of speech while biting his tongue.

And here is a "House Occupied by Women"...also loud, but pretty awesome.

Saturday night Sophie and I wanted to paint the town red, buuuut they only had blue paint so here you go. Anyway isn't this a wickedcool building?

Then I got hit by a car. Also this was in a Mexican bar that was terribly overpriced but just so cute that it lured us in twice (there were swings for bar stools!) Here I've just had my first ever mojito...finally I'm an American teenager.

This other day was super warm and wonderful, much like Sophie.

Here she transfigures her hands into a bird quite accidentally.

This picture did not capture the scene. Yet I post it anyway...


Here I will take a curtsy and leave you be.

(please notice my new coat!)
I love you! Come visit me daily.
I send you my address and I e-mail you, but, alas, I cannot compete with Paris!
Write back, wouldja?
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