So of course I am one day behind this bloggy thing already, but what's new?
My first day in Paris was about what I'd expected--fun but disorrienting, leaving a hint of that old metalic taste. That intruding spirit-hand that gropes around in my innards, first causing heartwrench, then seasickness, then a woozy bouyancy by turn. I find it just so interesting how physical our emotions are, and how emotional our physical conditions may be.
But for comprehensible details!
-Moreorless everyone in my group (11 of us altogether) seems sincerely nice, mostly sincere, and importantly, good-humored. It's a funny situation and it seems to have gone-over fun with most of us, so I feel good on that account.
-I still do not know the name of my Madame or where she (and I) live, but hopefully will within a couple hours here. Mme. Schnorzy (or whatever), my program director, says encouraging things, however--hints that she is 'easy going' and 'communicative.' As long as she's not disease-ridden, that seems to be ideal.
-I spent a lot of my first day exploring an abandoned railway track with Tristan and a couple of the other girls from our group. This was interesting on many levels, which I will now illustrate through illustations:

My first day in Paris was about what I'd expected--fun but disorrienting, leaving a hint of that old metalic taste. That intruding spirit-hand that gropes around in my innards, first causing heartwrench, then seasickness, then a woozy bouyancy by turn. I find it just so interesting how physical our emotions are, and how emotional our physical conditions may be.
But for comprehensible details!
-Moreorless everyone in my group (11 of us altogether) seems sincerely nice, mostly sincere, and importantly, good-humored. It's a funny situation and it seems to have gone-over fun with most of us, so I feel good on that account.
-I still do not know the name of my Madame or where she (and I) live, but hopefully will within a couple hours here. Mme. Schnorzy (or whatever), my program director, says encouraging things, however--hints that she is 'easy going' and 'communicative.' As long as she's not disease-ridden, that seems to be ideal.
-I spent a lot of my first day exploring an abandoned railway track with Tristan and a couple of the other girls from our group. This was interesting on many levels, which I will now illustrate through illustations:

how love that train tracks, abandoned ones most especially, become universal ties.
or it is the pull that is universal.
magnetic magnetic
wet or overgrown
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