Monday, September 25, 2006


Night before brought slight but sudden realization--the drawing back of denial's veil which draws the throat closed. Earlier I cried big wet tears over my old, purring cat, with the knowing that her soft perfection will rot and her lovely lucid eyes melt from her head. As will my own greens, surely, but not yet. That's all I could think--not yet.
Now I am in the airport. They took my lipgloss, the bastards. I don't mind travelling too much--I just don't think about it while I do it--but I have to say it was more fun with liquids. Yesterday I fairly fully conceptualized a short film which would be entitled, "Prelude to a Plane Crash"--but this is probably not the time to write about it. It could be brilliant, though, that's all I'm saying--a sympathetic but realist inspection of the mortal heart, as shown through one person's last day on Earth--his or her preparation for the departure without an arrival. Okay I seriously can't write about this while that sweet old Japanese woman munches her packed lunch and stares at me. No, not this time, we're going to make it through, lady.
Whatever, I don't think it's so irrational to think about death more before and during a plane ride than a car ride. After all, statistics do not come from the gut, and anyone without a background in physics knows well enough that nothing that heavy can fly.
Also there is the little issue of moving to a big foreign city and leaving behind an intensely loving and neurotic family, separating from both sets of fantastic friends, oh, ohohyes don't forget--bringing along luggage so heavy I could have packed myself in it. No, no but seriously, it's going to be great. What can I say? I love lamp.

Hey can someone tell me how to change my opperating language on this stu...pendous Dell computer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is bringing 100 pounds of extraneous life, and lipgloss, really too much to ask?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006  

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